Monday 3 October 2011

Nanny McPhee
Within the opening of the film Nanny McPhee the director uses many techniques to introduce the aspects of the film.
The first was the voice over that began to introduce the brief narrative of the film. This was accompanied by an establishing shoot, this allowed the viewer to see both where the film was going to be set but also the pace of the film, as the country side setting would stereotypically not be a busy and/or chaotic place, however this film seems to break the normal theme. This is added along side with the music which is firstly has a slow tempo but then picks up when the children's antics start.
As mentioned previously characters are also introduced with in the mise en scene.

Spy Kids
The beginning of spy kids is an establishing shot it shows they are in a secluded area, which implies the unsafe atmosphere of the characters, however the contrapuntal sound contradicts what is happening in the scene as the music is stereotypically spy music.
The story one of the characters was telling her children sets the basis of the plot, being spy's uniting but in danger.

Where the Wild Things Are
The begging of the film establishes characters and setting. We are shown a little boy in the snow. He was wearing blue and grey, these being cold colors. In this setting he appears to be very vulnerable and lonely.

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