Monday 10 October 2011

Amar and Arron talk

Preperation is key
Be organized, because you can't be fully creative if you aren't fully organized.
Creative process-
-Script Writing
- Story Boarding
-Test Shooting
Do not miss any out because otherwise you will not be showing your full creative talents.

Writing a script
-Write down all ideas
-Do it simply, don't rely on memory.
-Use emotions

EXT - Exterior
INT - Interior

Walk through the script to help identify problems

Location recce.
Find location problems
Take photos and put them on your blog
Source local information like telephones, food, buildings etc.

Digital Storyboard
Take pictures where the camera will be (what you will see on the camera)
Can use google earth (Dots where people will be)

Always have shot list

Annotate your script

Test Shots
Get used to location
Get used to equipment
Help polish up your scripts
Identify props/costumes
This will all definitely help you.

Shooting schedule
Check when bells may ring, when people may be around or a sports team is on a field etc.

Final Shoot
If you have followed all the above you are ready to start shooting.

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